
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Second Birthday tickers

Thursday, June 2, 2011

After eight months... :)

After eight months since my last post, these are some current facts about out little boy:

1. Diego is still called "Toto", "Toto Diego", "Dieg-dieg", "Diegolags", "Baby", "Hunny/Sweetheart" (by me only, though).  Bogs not so much, but that's how some people refer to him when they ask me about him.

2. He started walking for real about a week after he turned 13 months old. He still falls every now and then, but he's become a lot more stable.  He likes to get hold off your finger and lead you to where he wants to go.

3. He's still a very picky eater.  But we're trying.  :)  We're not able to make him sit still with us for a meal yet. So eating out with him still means taking turns eating, while the other brings him around.

4. We had a "Barrio Fiesta" theme for his first birthday party, with a sari-sari store, pabitin, and "street food".  We had a blast, and I think he enjoyed, too. :)

5. He still wakes up once at night.  Sometimes, he'll quickly fall back asleep after nursing or being rocked.  Other times, he'll be wide awake and will want to watch TV or play.

6. He still loves his Daddy's blackberry and has more than once, dialled random people in the middle of the night. 

7. He had his first haircut after he turned 13 months at "Be Beautiful For Him" care of Lola Mercy (who used to cut mine and Manong's hair before). 

8. He seems to have outgrown his allergy to chicken, but we're still being cautious.

9. His favorite DVDs are Sesame Street Sing a Long and Barney's Shapes and Colors.

10. He gravitates towards boys more (e.g. Lolo Bong, Lolo Badong, Tatang Jone and Tong, Tito Marc, Tito Edsel and Tito Vic), and little people (not babies) (e.g. Tita Julia, Manang Addie and Ate Gab). 

11. He is a funny boy.  Last week, he held up a huge empty Promil Can up to his ear and started mimicking his Daddy on the cell phone, saying, "Edo? Edo?" while walking around the house.

Bogs on the day of his 1st birthday (Bel-air Park)