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Tuesday, October 26, 2010

11 things about my little boy...

As I've told my other friends, I don't seem to have any time to do anything else when I get home from work, other than to make up for lost time with my family. So all our grand plans of having this regular blog to document our lives as new parents have not exactly been achieved. In any case, I felt it would be good to jot down a couple of things about my little boy, before memory fails me, because he's growing up so fast, right before our eyes. :)

1. He's very perceptive. There have been several times that I've watched him quietly wake up in his crib. Thinking there was no one around in the room, he'd know not to waste his energy by crying or complaining without an audience. So he'd try to reach for the top of his crib on his own. While he is too little to get up on his own, you can tell he has a survivor instinct. It's only when he sees someone (even from the corner of his eye) that he starts to whine to be picked up.

2. He has these funny skin problems. Patches of his skin would get rough and dry, then they'd eventually clear up and become white. They don't seem to bother him, though.

3. He has a way of laughing such that one eye gets smaller than the other, or sometimes one eyebrow is raised.

4. He's a jumper.

5. One of his favorite play things are Lolo Bong's old orange can of Fox's fruit candy.

6. He could support himself on a standing position (with support) as early as 3 months, and is almost able to lift himself up on all fours now at 6 months. I have a feeling he has the potential to be athletically adept.

7. He has a wavy tuft or hair in the middle top of his haid. And he has these 3-5 long strands of hair that extends to his forehead.

8. His laugh is more like a shrilly scream. Manong (or Miggy) thinks its cause he doesn't really know how to laugh properly yet so it comes out as a shriek.

9. He sometimes babbles to himself at night. I think he likes to listen to the sound of his voice.

10. He can readily turn in the direction of your voice when you call him, even from a far distance. When I say goodbye to him, it sounds like he's both laughing and crying at the same time.

11. He likes to bury his face onto the person carrying him, especially when he gets excited.

When Rey has the time, I'll ask him to make his own list, too. :)